Inspired by my Bengali love of everything ‘mustard’ and a
recent sojourn to the French part of Switzerland where piqued by the recent
horsemeat controversies and French chef’s ‘horsing’ round in the kitchen, I
happened to try a ‘entrecote de cheval à la sauce moutarde et pommes de terre grelots’. Was much better than I had expected it
to be.
Anyway, here’s my adaptation, with a Bengali twist.
Ingredients (For a meal for 4):
Mustard powder: 3 tbsp
Mustard seeds: 2 tsp (the coarsely ground seeds, give the
sauce a ‘bite’)
Butter: 3 tbsp
Olive Oil: 4 tbsp
Vinegar: 1 tbsp (if you prefer a more pungent sauce, leave
out the vinegar)
Garlic: 1 large clove (chopped fine)
White wine: ¼ cup (optional)
Cream: ½ cup
Dill: 3-4 stalks; finely chopped
Dill: 3-4 stalks; finely chopped
Preparation (5-10 mins):
Heat the butter and olive oil on low flame. Add the garlic.
Leave till garlic starts getting translucent. Reduce flame, add wine. Reduce to
half the volume. Add mustard powder, mustard seeds, vinegar, salt to taste
while constantly turning to a smooth paste. Reduce heat and fold in the cream.
Cover and let simmer for 5 mins. Add chopped dill. Remove from flame.

Cover and let simmer for 5 mins. Add chopped dill. Remove from flame.
Goes great with baked fish, grilled veal or a barbecued
joint of lamb. Bon appétit
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