Friday, March 28, 2014

Thai Green Curry Chicken (Gaeng Khiao Wan Gai)

Love Thai food, and after burning a sizable hole in my pocket frequenting the neighborhood joint, I managed to convince the chef to part with his recipe. So this one's dedicated to one of my favorite hangouts in Muscat- Shang Thai. If you are in these neck of the woods, highly recommend their outlet by the marina at The Wave.


Ingredients (Serves 3):

Green Curry Paste (1 cup)

  • Green coriander:1 cup
  • Shallots: 2 small
  • Garlic: 3 cloves
  • Galangal: 2 inch portion
  • Lemon Grass- 3 stalks
  • Green chilli-  4 small
  • Fish Sauce: 3 tbsp
 Green Curry
  • Chicken- 500 gm, chopped into small pieces
  • Coconut milk- 200 ml
  • Caffir Lime Leaves: 10 small
  • Baby eggplant- 5 chopped
  • Bell pepper- 1 chopped
  • Green chilli- 4 large, sliced diagonally
  • Olive oil: 2 tbsp
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp
  • Fresh sweet basil: 1 handful (did not have fresh  basil so substituted with dried basil)
  • Salt: to taste

Preparation (Cutting time 30 mins+ Cooking time 20 mins= 50 mins)

Chop all ingredients for green curry paste and blend with 1/2 tbsp coconut milk. In a wok/ saucepan, heat the oil. Add the green curry paste and stir continuously on low heat to release the flavour.

Add chopped chicken,coconut milk (just save about 4 tbsp for garnish later on) and sugar. Stir, cover and let cook on medium heat for ten minutes. 

Toss in eggplant. Cover and cook for 5 mins.

Throw in bell pepper, caffir lime leaves, cover and cook for 5 mins. 

Turn off heat. Stir in a little basil and chopped chili. Cover and set aside.

To serve garnish with a spoonful of coconut milk and a little basil.


  • The dish is a delicate mix of sweet, sour, hot and bitter (from basil) in a fragrant coconut cream. If you want you could add a little lime juice (I did though my friendly chef wasn't so happy at my sacrilege). Best enjoyed with steamed jasmine rice
  • If you want to substitute chicken for something else, you could try shrimp, but do remember to reduce cooking time. For a vegetarian variation try adding zucchini, more peppers, broccoli, french beans and tofu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a delicious dish Raj. I like the sweetness of basil and taste and smell of Lemmon grass, not to mention the taste of chicken. ;-)) Sarath